Полезная информация
В качестве унифицированной основы для постройки дебаркадеров мы используем 4 типовых модуля железобетонного корпуса
Малый модуль грузоподъемностью 990 тонн (габариты 24х16х4 метра)
Модуль грузоподъемностью 2050 тонн (габариты 48х16х4 метра)
Модуль грузоподъемностью 3160 тонн (габариты 72х16х4 метра)
Большой модуль грузоподъемностью 4280 тонн (габариты 96х16х4 метра)
Advantages of Reinforced Concrete Construction
- Metal economy due to the use of concrete and more rational allocation of steel in the construction: the construction of the hull for the reinforced concrete vessel requires 1.5-3 times less metal than for one made of the steel.
- Lower expenses for the hull maintenance (6-10 times). Over time the concrete is not destroyed as steel under the effect of corrosion and the strength and other qualities of the hull are not reduced. Due to this quality the reinforced concrete vessels do not require periodic repairs, drydocking or boat ramp lift to update the color, which is mandatory for the metal vessels.
- Durability of the hull (1.5-2 times). Due to the above features reinforced concrete vessels can serve a very long time. Their service life is assumed to be 70 years, that is 1.5-2 times longer than the steel vessels usually serve. Such a long service life of reinforced concrete vessels decreases the size of depreciation deductions, thereby reducing the cost of vessel maintainance.
- Simplicity of the damage repairs. The repair of reinforced concrete vessels in most cases is carried out by the team without putting a vessel out of service, that is usually not possible for the repair of the metal vessel.
- The relative simplicity and in some cases large cheapness of the construction with less capital investment for the organization of production.
- . Higher fire resistance (in comparison with steel vessels) and, in some cases, better resistance to the harmful effects of certain chemicals.